Feast of Mar Sleeva

Alappuzha Mar Sleeva Forane Church takes its name from the Mar Sleeva which means Resurrected Jesus. Sept 14th is the feast of the ‘Glorification of the Holy Cross(Mar Sleeva)’ . But in this Church we celebrate the feast extended up to the Sunday that follows Sep 14 . Our Church is one among the Churches where a portion of the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ crucified on the mount Golgotha is kept as relic . Nine days of Novena and Prayers is conducted prior to the feast of Mar Sleeva (Holy Cross) and this is the most important feast in the Forane Church.

Feast of St. Joseph

The feast of St. Joseph is held on March 19th every year. Thousands of people take part in the Holy Qurbana (Holy Mass) and in the festal lunch.

The Celebration of the Rosary

The celebration of the Rosary is held during the month of October. Ten days of Rosary is prayed and on last Sunday the celebration is conducted along with a grand Procession of the Congregation.

Feast of Our Lady of Carmel

The feast of Our Lady of Carmel has been celebrated from 1827. The celebration is to commemorate the miraculous intervention of Mother Mary as a result of the intense prayer and fasting of the faithful to solve the severe drought happend on those day. The 'Dharsana Samooham' takes the initiative for this celebration.
The feast is celebrated on the Sunday that follows July 16th every year. The initiation of the feast is held on Wednesday Prior to the feast, by the flag hoisting.

Feast of St. Thomas (Dhukrana)

The feast of St. Thomas is celebrated on July 3rd in this Church every year in a significant manner.

Feast of Our Lady of Virgin

The feast of Our Virgin Mary is celebrated during Sep 1st to 8th along with Holy Qurbana, Novena, Rosary and Prayers.

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